Wednesday, October 7, 2009

take k

muet 终于过了





after dat jiu rush back home,hav lunch after taking bath,
then jiu go mbo for movie..

while evrything seems to b usual bt yet,unsual.

dis is d 1st time i ponteng my tt,really ponteng for no reason..
somemre lie to mum..

i noe u won like dis..
yes..i did feel bad..even till d time i reach home..
mum,so sory..

i cant promise dis will b d las time,bt i promise i will try not to do it again..

after movie jiu go lateh wif 4 more sot siao sampat d ppl.

watching them play poker,while i play chinese chess pula==

nyway,quite enjoy actuali,
dat time,i realise,dats me,me,who din talk much..
not like wad i used to b,trying b talkative..

i think u noe..
i say be frens...
but,i myself noe oso..
its hard..n in my heart..u r more than a fren..n more than anything to me..

i tell u dis,i won care wads gonna hapen next,bt i jz noe,to u,i must 100% honest,nothing shd lie to u..

God give us owes d rite to choose,
and my choice.. is u..

hey..must take k matter wad hapen..m there..
u noe..jz 1 msg o 1 call..m owes there..

still rmb dat day we meet each other at d sch toilet?
we al jz pretend like nothing hapen..especially me...
bt do u noe?d momen wen i walk past..

i look back..even stop there...
till ur fren come out from d toilet..
n watching u al go away.. safely..

dats my heart..a true true de heart..

din mean anything..jz wan u to take k..
cz exam is coming,n i noe for sure dat,u r going studying vy hard..
bt jz here to remind..mus take k..

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